Thank you for taking the time to submit your information!

I am excited to begin the process of building this special hairdresser & client relationship with you!

My philosophy is to custom design a style that fits your personality, fashion style, and busy life.

I don’t want to be your “groomer”,

I want to help you define your own personal style by getting to know your personality, and most importantly designing a haircut, style and color that best accentuates your favorite facial features.

Do you want your overall style to whisper, scream or shout? Do you want to appear classic, trendy, or edgy?
Do you want to come off as feminine, boyish, or androgynous?

Taking the time to evaluate yourself and complete the information in this consultation form will help me to identify your goals, and outline the process to get there! Once completed, please click the button below to schedule your appointment online!

I look forward to seeing you in the studio!
